Friday, August 28, 2009

Writing Rooms:
Physical care (this will be goals, aspirations, thoughts, comments, whatever that I want to work on and maybe you will join me. My very first goal here is to be better about drinking water. I make a pledge to drink the 8-8 oz glasses of water that you’re “supposed” to drink for good health every day. At one time I was doing this but went through a bad time and somehow it left this good habit go so now I am making the attempt to do this again. I’ll report back next week and add another new thing each week while maintaining the previous. Care to join me? Or maybe you already drink the water you’re supposed to and want to give me tips on how you do it.)

Social growth (this will be goals for social growth and interaction but I already know I pretty much suck at this so this may be where you as the reader will have to help ME. This week I will invite someone to go see a movie with me. I will ask them to go see a matinee since I have not money (jobless) and we won’t have popcorn but I will GO OUT. Again, if you have some good ideas feel free to respond here.)

Financial (This will be goals or things to work toward in a financial sense.  I want to be better at managing my own finances and that may involve finding sources for that or just sharing what I know and having some accountability.)  My first goal here will be to get a job.  Eeks.  I’ve been trying for a while and still don’t have all that many prospects that really interest me. Sad, but true!

Dreams or crafts or “me” time (this will be where I will share some stuff mostly on scrapbooking with Photoshop. As I said I love to scrapbook. If you haven’t tried it you should, no REALLY. It’s great. You can express yourself in pictures, tell your life story, write about your ancestors (your family’s story), catalog your kid’s lives or your nieces and nephews lives or just write a blog essentially that you may or may not publish for the whole world to see. I will also include some other stuff here like: What do you dream for your life? What do you do for “me” time? What would you do if money was no object? Dreams, you know, sometimes it’s really just fantasy but who cares.)  Why do you scrap?  or Why don't you scrap?

Spiritual thought/concept or Scripture (I am a spiritual person and love God with all my heart so I will always include a scripture and a spiritual thought or concept to meditate on or to help center me in my life and who knows God might speak to you through those thoughts, too. I welcome your thoughts or words of wisdom if you have something I should hear or pass on.)  My favorite verse is:  "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!"  Phil 4:4  What is yours?

Saving money in a Tight Economy (This is where I want to share ideas for saving money in all kinds of ways especially right now when it’s so tight for most of us in the general economy.) My first and probably one of the easiest things I do is to add just a bit of water to my hand soap dispensers in the bathroom and the kitchen. This way I use just a bit less each time I use it but I still get the full clean effect. By the way, if you have distilled water you might use that instead of tap water but I wouldn’t think that was entirely necessary.

I am going to call these writing rooms in conjunction with the name I’ve chosen “All around my house” for my Blog. I have to give credit for the name to my nephew, J.D. He was at my house and I told him I was considering creating a blog and he said I should call it, All around my house. So, that is what I’ve done. WELCOME!! Come back any time; invite your friends, family and acquaintances.

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