Saturday, January 16, 2010

Habit Forming Resolutions

I got this fantastic little tip from Delilah's newsletter (you can check her out at Delilahdotcom) and thought I'd pass it along.  I'm gonna do this myself.  How simple and yet I can see how it would be effective.  Of course you can ignore the dates and start with the next week writing down...well, I getting ahead of myself the insert and we'll get back to that...

"Between December 25th and 31st, I keep a notebook handy. As I think of resolutions I jot them down. On January 1st, I choose three of them and put them on my fridge. Then, during the month of January, I concentrate on achieving each of those three as often as I can. I put check marks beside them each time, just so I have a feeling of accomplishment. Then, on February 1st, I choose three more and do the same in February as I did January. I find that as I do each one more and more, they actually become a part of my daily routine without me thinking about it.

It's a glorious feeling! Of course I run out of resolutions before the end of the year. When that happens, I'll go back and look them over. If there's one I've been having trouble with, or I realize it hasn't really become routine, I do that one again. It feels good but, more importantly, it makes other people feel good. Isn't that really what it's all about?"
So, there you are.  And we're only a month off.  Start now, writing down the things you want accomplish.  Think about this, they only need to be short term goals because you're only giving yourself a month at a time to complete it.  And part of this is making something a habit.  If you do something consistently 21 times it will become habit.  So, if I want to add exercise on my Pilates to my list of good habits, I say for the month of February I will do 10 minutes (or 20 or whatever) of Pilates EVERY DAY!!  Now if I do it GREAT, but if I don't I'm not gonna beat myself up.  I get a check mark (whoo hoo) and I might even have a new habit formed by the end of the month!!  How cool is that!

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