Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 6 - 3rd Post

If you're new to this...and I am, too...go to my first post below (scroll down) and then read this!!

Physical care ROOM How are you doing with your goal of drinking 8-8 oz glasses of water a day? I am assuming here that you have decided to do the same…don’t worry if not…I don’t blame you…I’m not real big on it either BUT I do feel better when I drink the water and I do know it’s good for me. The good thing is that I have been able to quit drinking as much soda as I used to. I quit drinking the soda as much long before I started writing this blog. I decided I needed to lose weight so I started drinking diet soda but though I was able to do it they weren’t all that great and then somehow I was just able to quit. Now I drink a soda maybe once a week or less. That’s a whole lot better than a 32 oz. soda every single day. Wow!!  Have you changed some other habit that you’ve been able to keep up for a year or more?

Social growth ROOM I truly was going to ask the friend I talked about to a movie. She wasn’t there or at least I didn’t see her. Ok, ok, you’re right I could have asked someone else and in a way I did. I asked the other teachers I teach with if they all wanted to get together for an evening out. One of the other teachers said we should all get together at her house and she’s planning it.

Financial ROOM My brother got a job today. He lost his job on almost the same day (within a week) of when I lost mine back in January of this year. He had accepted another job but it did not work out – it was as a salesperson and people just aren’t spending so he quit because he was on the road 75 miles each way and only getting commission. Gas alone was costing him too much. But because he’d quit he was eligible for unemployment again.
I made a couple of inquiries to friends, fellow teachers, etc. about the missionary thing at the student center. There were some positive and some not so positive comments, suggestions and a little encouragement. I’m still thinking about it and how to attempt it or not. I REALLY would love to hear from anyone who has any thoughts on this.
Another thing – have you heard of Dave Ramsey? I recently ran across some information about his silmulcast live event. It is coming up on September 19th. I've not been yet but I understand they're pretty motivating.  You might check to see if there's a location that will be part of the simulcast in your area.  My understanding is it's supposed to be pretty good so my sister and I are going to go together. Here’s the web site if you’d care to check it out:  I have absolutely no, none, nadda kickback or whatever in this, I'm simply interested and passing it along.  If you know something about it that I should know let me hear from you.

Dreams or crafts or “me” time ROOM How many photos do you have sitting around that are neither organized nor in a book of any type of scrapbook either. Whether they’re digital or paper they still should be organized in some fashion. I have bunches of photos both digital and paper. My paper ones are so old it’s not even funny but I don’t want to lose them so I’m in the process of scanning the ones I really want to keep. That way not only are they saved on my computer and on an external hard drive but I also have the hard copies.

BTW (by the way), do you have your photo negatives or copies of your digital photos stored in an alternate place besides your house? My family home burned down when I was in college and for years and years I thought all my baby photos were burned up. Fortunately, when my grandmother passed away I found out that she had a whole bunch of them and I just got those. I still miss her so much. I’d rather have her than the photos but since I can’t have her I will certainly take the photos.

Spiritual thought/concept or Scripture ROOM Do you make an effort to be an encourager? I have been around people who seem to make an effort to be discouragers. After a very short time it’s hard even be around them. I do NOT want people to feel that way about me. I’m on a campaign, in a small way, to be an encourager. I want to shower each of you, my readers, with love, grace, hope and happiness. So, how do we do that? How do we encourage each other? For one we are positive. That doesn’t mean happy, jolly, or funny per se when something is sad but when something IS sad we don’t wallow in it forever. And, how do we encourage someone else when we’re discouraged? I would bet that if you try to encourage someone else when you’re sad yourself that you will end up bringing yourself out of the doldrums as well. Give it some thought and let me know what you think!!

Saving money in a Tight Economy ROOM The paper towels and the hand soap savings that I've talked about are such minor little things but lots of little things like that over a year add up to significant savings.

Do you eat out a lot? There are two elements here. Eating out is full of extra salt, extra sugar and too much fat. It’s just part of the picture. So, not only is it bad for you but it’s expensive. If you take lunch to work rather than eating out you can save an unbelievable amount of money. It doesn’t seem like it when you think, “I only spent $7.50 for lunch.” Think about if you take a lunch that only costs you about $1.00. When you make dinner, make a bit extra and pack for lunch. If you don’t like to eat the same thing for lunch that you had for dinner the day before offset it by a day. In other words, take tonight’s dinner for lunch day after tomorrow and tomorrow take what you had for dinner night before last.

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