Thursday, September 17, 2009

Savings ($500) and Journaling some photos

If you're new to this...and I am, too...go to my first post below (scroll down) and then read this!!

Physical care ROOM Confession time…I have not done my video exercises even once. I am ashamed. BUT, I will do a lesson tonight. And, if that is not bad enough I haven’t walked in a few days either. It’s time to get things back on track. Argh!! This is a real trial for me but I am determined to succeed. How are you doing?

Social growth ROOM You would not think that just trying to get together with folks would be that big of a deal but with everyone so busy and our lives so very active that it is just so difficult to add one more thing even if it is a good thing. Since I cannot seem to get anything lined up with friends I’m going to be taking my niece to see “Not My Sister’s Keeper” one night this week. At least that gets me started and since I saw the trailers for this one it seemed rather interesting. Have you seen any good movies lately or done anything you’d suggest as a particularly fun social thing to do with either friends or nieces?

Financial ROOM I am working to save $500 as suggested by most financial programs and particularly by Dave Ramsey ( In addition, I am listening to the CDs of his 13 week study. They are entertaining and motivating but as important I am working on getting the initial $500 in the bank.
Dreams or crafts or “me” time ROOM Even if you do not have your photos all sorted you can start telling some of the stories about them. What stories about your family would you like to tell for yourself or future generations? I had a grandmother, who unfortunately is gone now, but I would love to scrap her story. The minister mentioned at her funeral that in her lifetime she had traveled across country in a covered wagon and near the end of her life by jet airplane. How cool is that? What a story there must be to her life. I want to gather as much as I can and as many pictures as I can to scrap her life.

Spiritual thought/concept or Scripture ROOM Are you thinking about encouraging those around you and being aware when others are encouraging you? Do you have any encouraging words you’d like to pass along? I could use some. It feels very funny to ask but if you don’t ask you may not receive. Read Romans 1:11 & 12.

Saving money in a Tight Economy ROOM Do you buy in bulk? Even as a single person I buy bulk items and separate into meal size packages and freeze. Sometimes you may only save $.20 per pound but with a 5 pound package of meat that’s a $1. And in addition to the money you save that time it may even save you a trip to the grocery store. I buy almost all of my meat in bulk. You can also buy canned items and repackage them and freeze. I have to admit I have not done a whole lot of this but a number 10 can, the really, really large industrial size cans are extremely inexpensive per serving. It wouldn’t make sense to do it for something you’d hardly ever use but things like tomato sauce it could be a great money saver. Let me know what else you buy in bulk and repackage.

1 comment:

  1. I do buy in bulk! I would love to pass on the "ground beef in bulk" ...fry before you freeze tip. I used to buy 5lbs. or more, bring it home, separate in 1 lb. packages, double wrap with plastic wrap and freeze. Then we all know what happened next...either thawing in microwave and coming up with tough meat or standing over a frying pan with a wooden spoon scraping the fried edges off. What a time waster. After a friend shared her little piece of hamburger wisdom about frying with onions and then freezing, my fridge now holds baggies of magical ingredient, for ready to eat meals in minutes! We can make-quick and individual -sloppy Joes, burritos, pizza, pasta dishes, etc. Try it next time you see ground beef on sale!
