Friday, October 23, 2009

Get back to the basics

If you're new to this...and I am, too...some things you can do here: read my blog (no duh), sign up as a follower (way cool), and check out older postings!! ALSO, I would love to have feedback, comments, etc. on what you read, if you're doing any of the things I've posted about or just whatever comes to mind. I've had comments from people who know me but they're not posted so others can read them which is a great thing so add your comments and have fun checking things out.

Physical care ROOM OK, I'm back on track I hope...I am drinking more water, walking during lunch and trying to watch calaries.  How are you doing?  We're getting into that food, food, food time of year...need to get the good habits established so that when the food is there we're not as likely to over do it.

Social growth ROOM I've been going and doing and working at being more social with those I don't know.  It has been my habit that if I go to a conference or event where I don't know many people to just sit and do my own thing (read a book, work on the computer, do nothing) but I have really made a concerted effort to be more outgoing.  The people who sit near me now I engage in conversation.

I went to a "Get Motivated" seminar - it was AWESOME...I got to hear Gen. Colin Powell, Zig Ziglar, Phil Town and Suze Orman plus many others.  I took this picture as he was telling stories about his time as Secretary of State.  Wow, did I ever learn a lot.

Financial ROOM I am going to take the plunge...I've been listening to Dave Ramsey's CDs but now I am going to take an investing class.  There is no reason why I cannot invest a little on my own and hopefully become financially independent.  With good money management and good investing I should be better able to do the things that are important to me.  Has anyone heard of FOREX? 

Dreams or crafts or “me” time ROOM Anybody scrapping?  What about photos?  Are you taking photos of the normal, regular, usual events of your life?  Do you have photos of everyone sitting down to dinner? Playing in the back yard?  Going on a picnic?  Hiking in the woods?  Whatever those events are you may want to have photos of those times, too, not just the big events like the birth of a baby, birthdays, Halloween parties and costumes, weddings, etc.  Then once you have the photos be sure you write a bit about them even if you're not ready to put them in a scrapbook quite yet.  It's amazing how quickly we forget the moments that made a story so...whatever. 

Spiritual thought/concept or Scripture ROOM On Facebook the other day some of my cousins mentioned reading Isaiah 58.  What a great chapter.  It's about fasting partially but there's a lot about making your fasting mean something and not for show, to loose the chains of injustice, to set the oppressed free, share your food with the hungry, to clothe the naked.  That's just a start but I found it a really encouraging chapter.  Read it and tell me what you think!!

Saving money in a Tight Economy ROOM The best way I find not to spend is not to go in the store AT ALL...and if I have to go, make my list, go when I don't have time to browse and get what I need and GET OUT!!  Of course, all the stuff you know: eat before you go grocery shopping, take cash for what you've budgeted and no more, make a list and stick to it, etc.  Get rid of credit cards and only use a debit card.

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